Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Actually, It Is The Tax-Raising Little Twerps We Fear
Interestingly, speaking that same day, Gery Chico, who Mayor Daley has selected to Chair the Park District Board, admitted that moving the Chicago Childrens Museum to Grant Park might require a tax increase.
Mayor Daley, residents of 42 are not afraid of dark-skinned youths. It is the little tax raising twerps that scare the heck out of us.
Monday, August 27, 2007
A Trip Through The Mud
That's fascinating.
I thought the good name "Attorney General of the United States" was dragged through the mud by Gonzales.
Another Racist Rant from Dennis Byrne
The door at my local Blockbuster video store is labeled "entrance." Right below, for Latinos who might be puzzled, appears the word "entrada." Over at the local Home Depot, the word "electrico" appears on a large overhead banner, in case any Spanish-speaking customer can't read the other word there: "electrical."This is insane. You mean to tell me that Latinos are too dense to figure out that this door is for going in? Or that Spanish-speakers are unable to make the intellectual leap between entrance and entrada, even though they share the same root?
Friday, August 24, 2007
Dangerous Mines In Illinois
The owner of that mine, Robert E. Murray, is the owner of several other mines across the country.
In Illinois, Murray owns the Galatia Mine. That mine has 850 federal health and safety violations in 2007 alone.
Unless the state and federal governments crack down on Murray and his mines, there will be a tragedy in Illinois.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The Republicans and the Filibuster
This morning, United States Senate Republicans voted against cutting off debate on the war measure.
That's right: They voted to filibuster.
Not too long ago though, Senate Republicans Lindsey Graham (South Carolina), and Saxby Chambliss (Georgia - the draft evader who accused the triple amputee of lacking concern for America's security) publicly contemplated filing a lawsuit against the Senate in an attempt to force the Supreme Court to overrule the use of a filibuster to block a president’s judicial nominations.
Back in 2003: The filibuster was an illegal tactic.
Now? Bring it on.
With morality like that, there is no wonder that the Democrats took control in 2006. Leadership means something. It means upholding values. And these two Republicans sure don't have values.
Senator Chambliss will face the voters next year. Hopefully Georgia voters will elect an American with some courage and values then.
Monday, July 16, 2007
White House Continues With Corporal Tillman Cover-Up
The backgrounds story is now well known. Pat Tillman, a safety for the Arizona Cardinals, gave up his professional football career and enlisted in the United States Army. In doing so, he became a role model for us all. He did what should be done. I want my kids to grow up by his example. When your country needs you, you serve.
Tragically, Corporal Tillman was killed in Afghanistan. It is clear that he was killed by friendly fire when his troops, in the heat of battle, fired on their own.
There is no shame in death by friendly fire. In war, it happens no matter how well troops are trained. Corporal Tillman died an honorable death. He and his troops served their country well.
It appears, however, that the Bush Administration did not share this view of Corporal Tillman's service. Instead, for reasons that appear to be purely political, they covered it up and claimed that the death was due to enemy fire. The reasoning is shameful. The Bush Administration appeared to claim that the death was somehow less honorable, and nothing could be further from the truth.
Rather than admitted its mistake, the Bush Administration is continuing with the shameful cover up. The Washington Post is reporting that White House counsel Fred Fielding has denied the demand for documents, claiming they "implicate Executive Branch confidentiality interests."
It is not clear what interests may exist. At this point, we would hope that the actual facts of the incident have been made public. The only thing not made public is why the Bush Administration made the decision to lie about the events to the American people. "Hiding our lies" does not appear to be a legitimate Executive Branch interest.
Finally, it is important to note that the request for documents was not partisan. The request was made jointly by a House Republican and a House Democrat. This is simply a case where the House wants to know about the cover up, and the White House has refused to comply.
Pat Tillman is model for all Americans. Fred Fielding and his clients in the White House are models of a different sort.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Apparently, Dams Are Dangerous
It looks like plaintiffs' attorneys are the only ones not aware of the obvious, i.e. that playing by a dam is a bad idea.
Some plaintiff's personal injury lawyer has actually filed a lawsuit from a drowning at the Kankakee River last summer. The family is suing the City of Wilmington, among others.
A boy apparently fell into the water near the Wilmington dam. Fifteen people jumped in to save the boy. Two men died when the current pulled them under.
Apparently, according to plaintiffs' lawyers, all dams must be made for swimming. If not, somebody must pay.
The Morals of the Right
Vitter likes hookers. We know that because he patronized them. However, he likes to talk about OTHER PEOPLE's morality.
If you want to talk about morality, you need to act morally. Vitter fails that test completely.
The quote of the day comes from Vitter (courtesy Politicalwire.com):
"I think Livingston's stepping down makes a very powerful argument that Clinton should resign as well and move beyond this mess."-- Then-Rep. David Vitter (R-LA), quoted by Think Progress, after replacing Rep. Bob Livingston (R-LA) who "abruptly resigned after disclosures of numerous affairs" in 1998.
Vitter is right. It is time for Vitter to resign.
Monday, July 9, 2007
They Are Called "Gun NUTS" for a Reason
According to the notice, the Special Legislation will be an attempt by Sen. Kotowski that will "result in the banning and forced confiscation of most of your guns." The notice concludes that Sen. Kotowski intends to "humiliate" every single Illinois gun owner and "strip" [fascinating word choice] everyone of their guns.
First, I am not clear on how taking away a person's guns will "humiliate" the person or "strip" them. I have often pondered the notion of how odd it is that gun owners tend to like handling long hard objects that emit blasts from one end. Apparently the ISRA feels the same way about guns.
Second, the urgent notice is interesting in light of the Virginia shooting. There,an insane person was able to obtain guns and go on a shooting spree. The urgent notice by the ISRA is equally insane. Of course the allegation of the notice is not true. The people who sent it out and anybody who believes it should be declared incompetent and their guns SHOULD be taken away. If they believe that sort of stuff, they are clearly incompetent.
Finally, this shows once again that the biggest problem facing Illinois gun owners is their own rifle association. Every time the association speaks, the gun owners lose support.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
When Wal Mart Comes to Town -- It Costs Us All
The average for the retail industry is $4,800.00.
When Wal Mart wants to come to Chicago, remember that the people of Chicago are still going to end up paying for health care for Wal Mart employees.
They keep prices low for Wal Mart shoppers, and taxes high for the rest of us.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Illinois Law on Uninsured Motorists Fails to Solve the Problem
Who in the world thinks that this will prevent people from driving without insurance? The offenders have already made the choice to drive illegally -- to drive without insurance. What causes anyone to think that those same people will not continue to drive illegally (without insurance and without a license).
The solution has to be more drastic. If Illinois is serious about taking bad drivers or uninsured drivers off the road, then Illinois must take the cars off the road. Get caught driving without a license or get caught twice without insurance (twice only to allow for honest mistakes like lapsed policies), and lose the vehicle.
In Illinois, insurance goes with the vehicle. If the vehicle is insured, as a general rule all drivers are insured (unless the policy has a specific exclusion). As such, if that vehicle is not insured, the owner is the one at fault. We need to take that vehicle from the owner.
It is time to get those uninsured vehicles off the street, and it is time for our friends in Springfield to start passing legislation that will make a difference.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
ISBA and Civil Unions
The ISBA's Assembly (meeting in Wisconsin for reasons that remain unclear) has voted to support legislation allowing civil unions.
According to Findlaw, Joseph G. Bisceglia, the incoming ISBA President, stated "Supporting civil unions is not only a vote for civil rights and human rights, but also economic rights. With this action, the ISBA has agreed to provide guidance and support for legislative proposals regarding civil unions."
I actually also favor civil unions. The legislation seems very reasonable.
The problem that I have is with the ISBA. The ISBA should be a non-partisan legal organization and not an advocate for or against heated social issues. The ISBA should be taking strong stands on matters like Civil Procedure and should stay out of matters like civil unions.
Tru Chef To Drop By Every Two Weeks
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Good News On The Culinary Front
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
City Failing Our Chicago Police
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Sen. Durbin Champions Fair Campaign Funding
According to Senator Durbin, his "Fair Elections Now Act" would have four major components:
- Seed Money: Allow candidates to raise a limited amount of seed money, capped at $100 per contributor, to get their campaigns up and running
- Qualifying for Public Funds: Candidates must raise a specified number (based on the size of the state) of $5 contributions from residents of their state in order to demonstrate that they are serious, viable candidates
- Allocation of Public Funds: Once a candidate qualifies for public funding, he or she is eligible to receive a minimum of $750,000, plus an additional $150,000 for every Congressional District in the state minus one
- "Fair Fight" Funds: If a candidate is being outspent by independent expenditures or an opponent who has refused public financing, the law would match that spending dollar-for-dollar up to 200 percent of the base allocation.
Overall, it appears to be a great approach to a very real problem. It is the kind of reasonable solution that we have come to expect from Senator Durbin.
Dogs in Cafes Ordinance Moves Forward
In the meantime, I note that the food at a certain dog friendly local cafe seems to have improved greatly this year. It is a great spot to wave to some friends while enjoying a meal. We had a nice meal this weekend (complete with a neighboring dog spending part of the meal on my lap -- the staff as usual was very nice to the dog). It was always a nice spot to have a drink, and now it seems that the food is living up to the views.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Deb Shore To Host Summer Solstice Celebration
According to Shore, it will be an opportunity to speak with her about District issues (or generally about making Chicago more of a green city), drink cool drinks, nibble on kibble, and tour the new dog hotel.
The event will take place on Thursday, June 21 from 5:30 - 7:30 pm at Stay, a dog hotel located at 4130 N. Rockwell (just north of Irving Park). Free street parking is available.
The suggested donation (to debrashore.org) is a minimum of $50.00.
You may contribute online at debrashore.org/contribute. Contributions will help Shore sponsor several water conservation events in the coming year and build a campaign fund.
Monday, May 14, 2007
This Was Sure to Happen
Friday, May 11, 2007
Natarus Is Gone: He Was a Rat
You see, Burton Natarus was a rat.
Natarus spoke a lot about rats. Being one himself, he perfectly understood them.
Burton Natarus was a cheap hack who took a half of a million dollars from developers and for that money, he sold out the residents of the 42nd. The developers and their cash was who he served. Burton Natarus never did care what the development did to the 42nd. His only concern was for the campaign cash and for getting his fat rat-like mug on the television screens.
Those were the actions of a rat.
Burton Natarus claims that George Dunne was his role model.
He never acted like George Dunne.
George Dunne was always a gentleman and a class act. Even when you disagreed, George Dunne would treat you with respect.
George Dunne was the opposite of a Burton Natarus.
In contrast, Burton Natarus was a rat.
According to the Chicago Tribune, “for laughs” Burton Natarus told a cab driver that Natarus had caused the driver to lose his license. He thought that causing a poor man to lose his job was funny.
That is not funny. Causing harm to the little guy is not a joke. George Dunne would never have done such a thing.
Burton Natarus is no George Dunne. Instead, Burton Natarus is a rat.
On the night of the election, when the numbers showed that the voters had spoken and that Burton Natarus would be crushed, he refused to do the right thing. He refused to call Brendan Reilly and congratulate the winner.
In a democracy, that is what a candidate should do. Wish the winner well and hide the disappointment. That is what a class act would do. Natarus has stated that he will do nothing to ease the transition. It shows what he thinks of 42nd Ward voters.
Natarus will not help them by easing the transition.
He never cared about the voters, and it showed to the end.
Burton Natarus is not a class act.
Natarus claims that he is baffled that he lost. He shouldn’t be. Burton Natarus should ask his neighbors, if he doesn’t think he is too important to speak with them. You see, Burton Natarus’s neighbors voted for Brendan Reilly. Burton Natarus’s neighbors – the people who knew him best – saw that he was a rat and voted for Brendan Reilly.
The reason the voters threw Burton Natarus on the garbage heap is clear: Burton Natarus lost because, until the end, he was a filthy sewer-dwelling little rat who thought it was funny to pick on the little guy and who didn’t give a rat’s behind about the voters.
But Burton Natarus still doesn’t understand why he lost.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Another Reason to Avoid Wal-Mart
However, that overextension and incompetence sure got mentioned by a United States District Court jury recently. In Happel v. Wal-Mart, a husband picked up his wife's prescription for Toradol from a Wal-Mart in McHenry. The wife had several prescriptions filled at the store in the past, and Wal-Mart had documented that she is allergic to NSAIDs. Toradol is a NSAID.
Given the record of the allergy, a warning should have flashed on the pharmacist's screen warning of allergy. Further, the drug should not have been dispensed without a call to the physician.
Unfortunately, Wal-Mart complied with none of those rules and passed out the drug anyway. The result? An severe allergic reaction requiring fifteen hours of intubation, four days in the hospital, and permanent injuries.
All because a pharmacist ignored a warning on the screen.
We really don't know what the pharmacist was thinking. He was unable to testify due to pre-Alzheimer's dementia.
The verdict: $465,000.00 for the plaintiff.
If Wal-Mart strikes a deal and comes into Chicago, be careful filling prescriptions there.
Source: Cook County Jury Verdict Reporter, Issue 27, Volume YY (April 20, 2007)
Friday, April 27, 2007
CBS 2: On the Scene
As the light changed, the friend said to me "That guy was wearing makeup." It then dawned on us that the person was a CBS 2 reporter. We really don't know which one, but he looked vaguely familar.
I felt tempted to advise him that I hear there is a big fire on the West Side -- they should send six reporters and break into regular programming to report on it. For CBS 2, that is BIG NEWS!
I almost felt bad for the guy, wondering if that is what he had in mind when he was in journalism school.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Sight Seen
SB 1296: Payback To The Plaintiff's Bar
It is pretty well known that the plaintiffs bar is upset with the Illinois Democrats for two reasons:
1. They have not brought back the Structural Work Act; and
2. They passed a [weak] version of tort reform.
Those plaintiffs' attorneys were starting to think that their campaign contributions were not buying them a thing.
But now Senator Cullerton has decided to toss them a bone.
Senate Bill 1296 is just that -- a bone to the plaintiffs bar. In no way remotely does it serve "justice." On its face, it is clearly biased and unfair.
But it will make the plaintiffs attorneys a lot of money.
There has been a lot written about the bill, but I have yet to see a real explanation of the bill and the implications.
The following is a typical scenario that you will see played out every day:
Plaintiff is an 26 year old ironworker who falls 40 feet at a construction site and sustains massive head injuries and partial paralysis. Value of the case is $10 million.
Plaintiff blames general contractor and masonry contractor. Those parties add plaintiff's employer as third party-defendant.
Facts show that the accident was caused by masonry contractor knocking into scaffolding, but also show that the plaintiff himself put the scaffolding in an improper location. Given the location of the accident and the fact that it happened once and only once, general contractor may have known about the situation but most likely did not. As such, liability against the general contractor is minimal to non-existent. Employer also has some minimal liability.
Masonry contractor is a small contractor. Turns out he doesn't have coverage for the accident. Plaintiff sees no coverage, so he takes $5,000.00 from that contractor and dismisses him out.
Jury returns the following:
Gen Contractor: 10%
Mason: 50%
Employer: 10%
Plaintiff: 30%
In that scenario, plaintiff likes having mason on the verdict form. Without the masonry contractor on the verdict form, plaintiff's percentage of fault is over 50%, meaning that plaintiff collects nothing. With the masonry contractor on the form, plaintiff is under that point.
Under the current law in the above scenario with mason appearing on the verdict form for attribution of fault, plaintiff would recover his meds from both general contractor and employer, since both are under 25%. Given the injuries and the usual allegations of future medical, that would probably total about $2 million.
That seems reasonable. Everyone pays their proportion of fault, as found by a jury.
Cullerton's bill would change that.
Under his bill, for purposes of joint and several liablity (but not for purposes of plaintiff's fault), you do not consider mason (who settled out cheap) in determining whether the defendant's meet the 25% threshold. As a result, without taking into consideration the fault of the mason, those other two defendants are over the 25% thresshold and as such, are on the line for the entire $10 million, rather than the $2 million in liability they would otherwise face.
As a result, plaintiff is not considered over the 50% threshold, so he does collect.
However, due to the gift of Sen. Cullerton, the remaining defendants are now OVER the 25% threshold. As such, they are now jointly and severally liable for the entire verdict.
Short and sweet:
1. Plaintiff enjoys the benefit of mason on the verdict form;
2. Defendants do not.
How is this in any way fair?
This is nothing more than a gift to the plaintiffs.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Election Day Predictions
49: Moore holds. He is a bad guy, but people up there still view things his way. Too many Loyola liberals who think it is IMPORTANT that Chicago remain nuke free and that those poor geese are treated well. [Moore held]
43: Daley holds. Her opponent has not run a serious campaign. Daley has done a pretty good job and hasn’t given voters much of a reason to go another direction. [Daley held]
35: Colon loses. This one will be close, but Colom has the field operation. [Way off. Colon romped]
32: Matlack wins. He’s got too much money and too much backing this time. He’s Natarus four years ago. He should enjoy this term, since it will be his last. [Matlack lost]
21: Brookins holds. [Brookins held]
18: Lane holds. [Lane held]
16: Coleman loses. Her neighborhood has too many problems. They need a change. Another unresponsive alderman loses a seat. Another wake up call to the counsel: “WATCH OUT FOR YOUR NEIGHBHORHOOD.” [Coleman lost]
15: Foulkes wins. Throwing darts here. There has been no coverage of this race, As such, my thought is that the union money will carry Foulkes home. [Foulkes won]
3. Tillman loses. Her day has passed. A lot of people who should know better violated Chicago rule #1: “Don’t back no losers.” They should have seen this coming a long way away. [Tillman lost]
2: Haithcock holds. Fioretti is a genuine dingbat in the Natarus mold. Haithcock hasn’t done anything all that obnoxious so voters won’t be motivated to toss her out. [Haithcock lost]
[Record 7-4-1 (forgot to predict 24)]
Smokers At It Again
Today, those two facts collided.
While out for our early morning work out, the actual Skeeter came across a cigarette lighter. It looked like something interesting, so he picked it up. Wrestling ensued. I won (twice actually, since after tossing it, he decided to fetch it), but that didn't really solve the problem.
The real problem is that smokers are pigs.
Could somebody please advise as to why smokers feel that they have the right to toss smoking related trash everywhere?
Hey smokers, CIGARETTE BUTTS ARE GARBAGE. TOSS GARBAGE IN THE TRASH. And although I am not violent by nature, if I see anyone tossing a lighter on the ground, I am reserving the right to shove that lighter right back where into the former owner, in any way that I see fit.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Natarus Calling It Quits?
Now it appears that those days might be coming to an end.
It is well known in the 42nd Ward that Natarus had almost no field organization. Precinct captains were virtually unknown. Despite all of his time in office, he developed no organization at all.
In addition, his political instincts were questionable at best. In a city that values "Don't back no losers", Natarus strongly supported the candidacy of Toddler Stroger, only to see the Toddler crushed in the 42nd Ward. The support for the Toddler may well have cost Natarus his aldermanic seat (it was one of may miscues, but the language used to describe Toddler's opponent surely riled some voters).
Natarus's political website -- www.natarus.com -- has been down for several days. It looks like Natarus is ready to walk away.
We certainly hope so, as despite the wealth of many 42nd Ward residents, it remains a strongly Democratic ward. The 42nd needs leadership now, and it needs a field organization to turn out voters and to help finance candidates. Natarus provided none of that.
Here's hoping that Natarus.com is down for good.
Edited to add:
Turns out the site is back up. That's too bad, but we still hope that Natarus does call it quits. The 42nd Ward Democratic Party needs leadership, and Burton Natarus has provided none. It is time for him to fade away.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Bernie Stone and Friends
Lost in the blather was an important note: It was not just the unions that were tossing around cash. It seems that the people who don't like unions also put some money on the table.
Like Wal-Mart.
Wal-Mart has donated at least $3,000.00 to Bernie Stone's campaign.
And Sam Zell. He also donated to Bernie Stone.
But you don't hear those stories.
All the media reports is the union contributions.
Not one word about the union-bashers and their cash.
Let's face facts: Bernie Stone doesn't like the working man (and having spent his life in government, sure can't identify with working men) and his list of campaign contributors proves the point.